Loop Photo Frame Cheats

Loop Photo Frame Hack 3.6 + Redeem Codes

Companion app for Loop Frame

Developer: California Labs Inc
Category: Photo & Video
Price: Free
Version: 3.6
ID: com.calabs.loop.mobile.ios


Game screenshot Loop Photo Frame mod apkGame screenshot Loop Photo Frame apkGame screenshot Loop Photo Frame hack


Loop is a smart photo frame that displays all of your family’s favorite memories.

Invite the whole family to add their own photos and see what’s being shared all in one place!

Use the Loop app to:

० Setup your Loop frame and control its settings
० Invite family members to send photos to your frame
० Share your best moments in a private social network just for your family

Version history

Hey Friends of Loop. Thank you for all your valuable feedback in app, this helps us decide what we work on next, so keep it coming!

New in this update:

० Improvements to Loop setup.
० Brand new way to send photos to Loop. Now you can add captions when uploading multiple photos at once!
० Stability improvements.
० Many more improvements and bug fixes!
Hey Friends of Loop. Thank you for all your valuable feedback in app, this helps us decide what we work on next, so keep it coming!

New in this update:

० Improvements to Loop setup.
० Channels are now Albums! We’ve renamed them to make it more clear what they are and how they work.
० Stability improvements.
० New Feature! SMS Photos to Loop, you can now register your phone number and simply text photos to Loop.
० Many more improvements and bug fixes!
Hey Friends of Loop. Thank you for all your valuable feedback in app, this helps us decide what we work on next, so keep it coming!

New in this update:

० Channels are now Albums! We’ve renamed them to make it more clear what they are and how they work.
० Stability improvements.
० New Feature! SMS Photos to Loop, you can now register your phone number and simply text photos to Loop.
० Many more improvements and bug fixes!

Known Issues with fixes coming soon:
० Some new settings may require your Loop to be on the latest available software update in order to work correctly.
Hey Friends of Loop. Thank you for all your valuable feedback in app, this helps us decide what we work on next, so keep it coming!

New in this update:

० This version now supports Loop 2 as well!
० Stability improvements.
० Incoming video chat calls should now work as expected.
० Fixed many bugs related to iOS 14.
० Refresh many of the Loop settings.
० App no longer tries to access the clipboard on startup.
० Many more improvements and bug fixes!

Known Issues with fixes coming soon:
० Some new settings may require your Loop to be on the latest available or next software update in order to work correctly.
Hey Friends of Loop. Thank you for all your valuable feedback in app, this helps us decide what we work on next, so keep it coming!

New in this update:

० Minor UI updates.
० Stability improvements.
० Added ability to sign in with Apple, for best results accessing your account please sign in with the same service you used to originally create your account as you will lose access to your channels and contents if you end up making a new account by signing in with a different provider.
० Many more improvements and bug fixes!

Known Issues with fixes coming soon:
० Incoming video chat calls may not work correctly all the time
Hey Friends of Loop. Thank you for all your valuable feedback in app, this helps us decide what we work on next, so keep it coming!

New in this update:

० Minor UI updates.
० Stability improvements.
० Added ability to sign in with Apple, for best results accessing your account please sign in with the same service you used to originally create your account as you will lose access to your channels and contents if you end up making a new account by signing in with a different provider.
० Many more improvements and bug fixes!

Known Issues with fixes coming soon:
० Incoming video chat calls may not work correctly all the time
Hey Friends of Loop. Thank you for all your valuable feedback in app, this helps us decide what we work on next, so keep it coming!

New in this update:

० Better notifications! When you receive a notification you can now see which picture was liked or what channel you were invited to. Pro tip: force touch the notification to see a larger image preview!
० Send photo now opens much faster, get to sending your pictures to Loop faster!
० Fixed issues with channel sharing.
० Tapping notifications will again take you to the photo that you were notified about.
० Many more improvements and bug fixes!
Hey Friends of Loop. Thank you for all your valuable feedback in app, this helps us decide what we work on next, so keep it coming!

New in this update:

० We have created a brand new look to the app! Check out the new channels section and improved controls across the whole app.
० New ways to react your family's photos and videos, show them some love with our new like button.
० Bluetooth is no longer required every time you enter the app
० Many more improvements and bug fixes!
Hey Friends of Loop. Thank you for all your valuable feedback in app, this helps us decide what we work on next, so keep it coming!

New in this update:

० Uploads will continue for a short time after you leave the application.
० Improved video chat resolution when calling the Loop
० Fixed issue causing double uploads after leaving the app while it was still uploading
० Fixed power saving settings being reset to defaults when re-entering settings screen
० Additional minor updates and misc. bug fixes
Hey Friends of Loop. Thank you for all your valuable feedback in app, this helps us decide what we work on next, so keep it coming!

New in this update:

० More controls over your channels with improved channel settings
० You can now remove a Loop from your app just go to Loop settings.
० Whole new family section so you can see whose in your family and invite the reset of your family into your Loop.
० Discover channels are now easier to find, check out the new streamlined New channel menu
० Fixed Instagram login
० Additional minor updates
० Misc. Bug fixes
Hey friends of Loop! Thank you for all your valuable feedback in app, this helps us decide what we work on next, so keep it coming!

New in this update:
● Changes to channel sharing and Loop setup to make it easier.
● Settings is now Menu and we’re making it easier to find things you’re looking for.
● Creating a new account is now more clear.
● Additional minor updates
● Misc. Bug fixes
Hey Friends of Loop. Thank you for all your valuable feedback in app, this helps us decide what we work on next, so keep it coming!

New in this update:
● Swipe to exit full screen view
● Pull to refresh fixed in app
● Fixed instagram Login
● Double tap to zoom out n full screen mode
● See video length when selecting photos or videos in the gallery
● Reminder when backgrounding the app if photos are still uploading
● Fixed issues with video chat calls when the app is open
● Chat and Picture notifications will take you to Chat view
● Clear badge counts when entering the app right away
● Improved invitations, when creating an account you can now ask your family for access to join their Loop
● Misc. Bug fixes
Hey Friends of Loop. Thank you for all your valuable feedback in app, this helps us decide what we work on next, so keep it coming!

New in this update:
- Loop now has a fresh new look! Channel view lets you see all your content more easily and the new Home feed keeps you unto date with whats been going on.
- You can now zoom in to pictures in your feed with a full screen view
- Photos taken with the in app camera will no longer come out upside down
- Missed video chat invites will now be visible in your invites inbox located on the invite screen
- Get a little more help when creating your first video chat channel
- Lots of little bug fixes and minor improvements
Hey everyone. Thank you for all your valuable feedback in app, this helps us decide what we work on next, so keep it coming!

New in this update:
- In progress photo uploads can be canceled from the channel screen
- Portrait orientation photos are no longer automatically cropped to landscape when uploading one photo at a time. You can still optionally crop any photo by using the pinch/zoom gesture on the photo
- E-mail invites have been updated for clarity
- Timezone selection has been updated with a simplified list and updated interface
- First time user onboarding has been updated and improved
- Improved Instagram channel creation
- Lots of little bug fixes and minor updates
Hey Friends of Loop. Thank you for all your valuable feedback in app, this helps us decide what we work on next, so keep it coming!

New in this update:
- New setting to change the timezone on your Loop for when the clock is not displaying the right time, find it under Settings -> Loop Settings
- Improved feedback when uploading pictures, you’ll now see a spinner on pictures that are still uploading and a much more clear box on screen showing your upload progress so you know whats happening.
- Fix hang when inviting a Loop Friend to a channel.
- Lots of little bug fixes.
Hey friends of Loop. Thank you for all your valuable feedback in app, this helps us decide what we work on next, so keep it coming!

New in this update:
- New invite system. Some of you were having trouble getting your address book to load. We’ve gone ahead and simplified the invite steps and now given you a cleaner invite via SMS / iMessage or email option that uses your iMessage or email app to select your recipients in a more familiar way.
- Misc bug fixes.

Coming up in our next release:
- A fix for Loop contact invites not working correctly after signing out and back in
- Ability to change the timezone on your Loop, so your clock displays the right time
Hey Friends of Loop, you’ve been sending us some great feedback in app and this helps us decide what we work on next. Thanks to your help we have a new update for you.

New In this update:
- New Video Chat Channel Creator: We received lots of feedback on video chat channel creation, we’ve gone ahead and designed a whole new way of setting up video chat channels.
- Delete video chat channels: To delete video chat channels go to Settings -> channels and select a video chat channel
- *New Loop Feature* Auto dimming at night: To try it out turn it on by going to Settings -> Loop Settings -> Select Your Loop -> Screen Brightness -> Toggle Automatic Dimming
- New Discover Channels have been added, from your channels screen hit New on the top right and select DISCOVER to check them out.
- If you were having trouble sending invites out you can now send them out without loading your whole address book which was occasionally causing a crash by manually entering a number or e-mail address.
- Additional fixes
Happy New Year! With the start of the year comes a quick update to the Loop App.

This update is to primarily address crashing bugs with the app. We apologize to any of you who may have encountered issues with the app over the holidays.

Fixed in this release:
- Addressed top user crashing issues, if you were having trouble getting into the app or needed to keep bluetooth off while in our app the problem should now be solved.
- Cleaned up some UI issues related to invites and not being able to get to all your contacts.
- iPad support. Many of you were having trouble with our app on iPad. We've worked hard to get you a better working version. Please bare with us as not all of the screens are properly polished yet but the app is now much more usable on iPad.

As always we are listening to all your suggestions and comments please feel free to reach us at [email protected] or in app via Settings -> Send Feedback.

The Loop Team
We've been busy lately sprucing up the app and getting to your biggest pain points as fast as we can!
- You can now delete photos!
- Cleaned up the main screen to make it more clear how to send photos to existing channels
- Fix for those pesky grey boxes. We've solved the issues around sending photos from share sheets and iCloud photos that were not working properly after iOS 11.
- Lots of misc bug fixing

We're always listening, we're happy to hear from you submit issues in app (from settings) or contact us at [email protected]
Hello Loop Family!

We are excited to share some key features in this update. Thank you all for your continued support and invaluable feedback. Without further adieu, we are excited to announce the following improvements!

What's new in this release?

० We’ve added support to delete channels, you can now remove a channel from an individual loop or completely from your account by going into Settings -> Channels and selecting the channel you want to change or remove.
० You may have noticed we removed the full screen function on your Loop to help portrait and very long panoramic images display better, if you’d like to turn this feature back on head over to Settings -> Loops -> Select a Loop -> Photo Transitions -> and toggle the setting “Enable Ken Burns effect”.
० We have Increased the quality of videos uploaded to Loop when sending a video. Videos on Loop were not as crisp and clear as they could so we have increased the quality of videos being upload from your phone. It may take a little longer to upload videos so please be patient.
० We’ve changed the app to keep your screen on while you’re uploading pictures to make sending a large number of pictures easy. When using this feature we recommend you plug your phone in.
० We’ve improved application stability when uploading multiple videos or a large number of photos.
० In preparation for the release of our Android app we have made slight changes to channel invites.

Coming soon:
The option to delete or hide individual photos from a channel.

Please keep the feedback coming, we appreciate your support!

The Loop Team
We've been hard at work fixing the latest reported issues. Thank you for all your feedback.

Improvements and bug fixes:

- Improved videochat channel setup flow
- You can now setup more than one Loop at the same time
- Fixed issues with uploads from iCloud / PhotoStream
- Fixed performance issues with loading contacts when sharing a channel
- Channel invites now have a more meaningful message when inviting friends and family

Coming Soon:
- Delete Channel!
Many bugs were harmed in the making of this version:
- Fixed duplicate photo uploads
- Fixed a bug that prevented videos from being uploaded to Loop
- Fixed issues with uploading from iCloud / PhotoStream
- Added a new notification when a friend accepts a channel invite

Ways to hack Loop Photo Frame

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4.1 out of 5
122 Ratings


So glad I bought this
All the major bugs that existed when I first used this have for the most part been fixed and now I’m so happy I bought this. I got one for my sister and mom as well and we get to share great moments, especially the ones we’ve forgotten about! It’s wonderful for my boys to also see and remember all the things we have done throughout the years. They absolutely love this.
Worst App Ever for a Great Looking Frame
This app is by far the worst user experience I’ve ever had as a companion to a piece of hardware. It rarely gets updated, the recent “improved notifications” are more like an annoying clickbait to buy a new frame for your friends/family. The sharing features are HIGHLY LIMITED. I can only show pictures of instagram accounts that I OWN. That basically means I have to curate my own instagram to share photos on this device. Why can’t I just view photos from other public accounts?! The same thing goes for facebook and shared albums on iOS. The hardware is great looking, it’s just a shame that the app is complete garbage, it’s buggy, it even stops a WiFi phone call when you open it up. Why do you need access to my wifi phone call when opening the application? I have 2 more frames that i regret buying 3 years ago that are still in the box and won’t be give as presents because i refuse to be Tech support for a picture frame for my 70yr old mother.
Keep in touch
Wonderful and simple way to communicate with family members and friends thru pictures. Look forward every day seeing pictures of my grandkids who live in New York and California. My son-in-law bought one for his family who lives in Europe and now they can see pictures from all of us here in the states. Especially nice for them to easily stay in touch especially now with them not being able to visit with the Covid SARS 2 debacle. Nice gift to buy for your older relatives who are not technically savvy to allow them an easy way to “stay in touch” and enjoy their love ones.
Amazing Addition to the House
Loop has changed the way our family connects with our pictures and videos. We got a loop for our parents and one for our house. It’s been an incredible way to share what we are doing with family across the country as well as revisit our past pictures and videos. The kids have a blast scrolling through their favorite pictures.
Seemed great for a few minutes...
I just got my Loop2. It was easy to set up, connecting to wifi and adding pictures and channels. It seemed great.

Then I sent an invite to my brother, and he can’t join. The link had him download the app and the it said to go back and click the link in the original email. It became an endless loop.

There is no user manual for the loop2 that I have been able to find. I can’t add family. It’s just a personal frame. I hope we see a manual for loop2.
Waiting 6 months and still no device
I bought three Loops over six months ago for Christmas gifts. I did understand at the time that they were backordered and that they would send them sometime in early January. It is now mid June and I have not received any Loops. I keep getting the same email again and again - that it will be shipping out into weeks. That was five months ago. They have made no effort to refund my money. I am out over $600. I have never left a review but because of how egregiously they do business I have been forced to. Absolutely do not buy any Loops until they can fulfill their orders. This is robbery!!!!!!!!!!!
Great product!
My 92 yr old mom can’t keep up with technology and feels left out as our family (spread across the country) uses social media to keep in touch. My sister got this for mom and we all easily share pics. Mom knows we are thinking of her. I call her to chat and let her know there are new pics.
R. A. Harris,
Great Way to Share Photos instantly
I’ve had the loop for several years. I bought one for my mom and for each of my siblings. Easy to share photos with everyone else. I wish the video component was a little easier to use and a little more stable. I really appreciate the continued software updates. It gets better all the time.
Cool New Product
Got my first loop a few weeks ago and it’s been such a great addition to the living room! Really helps us stay connected to the rest of the family and see updates and new pictures regularly. The quality of the display is amazing too. I’m looking forward to getting another one for the in laws.
Borderline Horrible App
Boy, good luck trying to get added to anything or add someone else. For some people it works fine and others it does not. This should be the easiest part but it’s far from it.

Oh and customer support is awful. Takes at least a week and only after I kept badgering them

I gave it two stars because it’s a good looking frame and when it does what it’s supposed to, it works well. Other than that, it’s trying my patience