Like with any reimagined/updated arcade classic, there is a fine line that can be crossed where a new idea goes to far... or not far enough.
MC:RECHARGED is a nice simplistic, vector graphic inspired, reboot of the classic Atari game. Gone is the cumbersome trackball to aim with, just touch and the missiles auto target that location.
It’s actually brilliant game play wise, the new idea of the bunkers rebuilding themselves is great and the missile reload delay, also a nice touch. Meaning, no more limit to your ballistic stockpile... but the down side is once you get fully upgraded (which you can do rather quickly) that’s it. The game has no new missile types to offer or any other unlockables to strive for.
...and that VIRTUAL GAME CABINET feature, um, cool, for a minute.
For the most part, it plays great but there’s no need to purchase the unlimited plays when it’s soo easy to play and get all the upgrades for free. I hope more updates to the game are in store to add more replay value, but for free this game is a literal blast!!