Mochi - Flashcards and notes Cheats

Mochi - Flashcards and notes Hack 1.15.31 + Redeem Codes

Simple, intelligent flashcards

Developer: Matthew Steedman
Category: Education
Price: Free
Version: 1.15.31


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Take notes and make flashcards using markdown, then study them using spaced repetition.

Mochi gives you the power to create content specific to your study needs.
Create a deck from scratch, or share one with a friend.

- Mochi uses a spaced repetition algorithm to maximize retention and minimize study time.
- Quickly jot down notes and cards at the speed of markdown. Formatting controls and shortcuts are also there if you need them.
- Linking between cards and notes is a powerful way to build a network of related information.
- Put an end to tediously copying your notes into flash cards one by one. With Mochi you can create flash cards from your notes with one click.
- You can embed media to your notes or cards like images, audio, and video by dragging them onto the editor.

Version history

Added a button to restart syncing.
Fixed some issues around creating new cards.
Updates to the UI for a better user experience.
Fixed an issue where the app would not start when offline.
- Dramatically improved initial sync times after first log in.
- Improved Anki imports.
- The Arabic to English dictionary now works with vowel diacritics.
- The caption section on diagram cards now supports the "side" syntax (---) for adding extra reveal-able sides.
- Allow multiple answers in input elements.
- Fixed an issue with searching in Hindi.
- Various bug fixes and improvements
Added a preference option for character limits in cards to help with creating atomic cards.
Various search windows now sorts by "frecency".
Added an option to disable swipe to review on mobile.
Fixed an issue in code blocks where some C++ code was not highlighted correctly.
Fixed several issues with Anki imports.
- Added a new AI dynamic field for templates. This dynamic field can render markdown and be used as a source for other fields.
- You can now view and edit templated cards in notebook view.
- Added an "inline" attribute for input elements. Set inline="true" to make the input display inline with the surrounding text.
Improved initial sync times.
Various bug fixes and stability improvements.
Fixed a rare edge case where re-review cards were conflicting with due today cards.
- Added special values @yesterday, @today, and @tomorrow for date filters.
- Added a filter for due date, created at date, and updated at date.
- You can now add captions to diagram cards.
- Added an option to disable spellcheck when editing a card.
- Various fixes and improvements.
- Added support for and AI custom component that sends request to GPT-3.
- Added a new input component for typing out your answer.
- Added support for uploading custom CSS themes. You can find classes for most UI components in the developer tools.
- Added skip forward and backwards buttons during review.
- Added an option to disable animations during review.

More changes can be found here:
Fixed an issue with the "add to reviews" actions not working for diagram cards and reverse cards.
Fixed an issue with due status of cards with multiple cloze groups
Fixed an issue where the keyboard would sometimes overlap the cursor when editing a card.
- Added support for Chinese language in search settings.
- Fixed an issue with the new swipe to answer feature in which interfered with scrolling code blocks horizontally.
- Added undo button back to review page.
- Fixed some importing issues.
- Added an option to filter by last review date.
- Added new swipe gestures during review. You can now swipe left and right to mark a card as forgotten or remembered, respectively.
- You can now save deck view configurations (sort order, filters, display properties) as separate "deck views," and quickly switch between them.
- Added an option to force RTL text display on cards.
- Added an option to export SQLite database.
- You can now filter cards by pinned.
Fixed an issue with rendering certain markdown text.
- Improved Anki imports
- Changes to spaced repetition algorithm
See the full changelog for more information.
- Improved Anki imports
- You can now create multiple cards from a single markdown file import
- Fixed an issue with importing diagram cards
- Tap anywhere now reveals next cloze deletion / hidden text.
- Added a new review history table at the bottom of cards.
- Various bug fixes and stability improvements.
Fixed an issue with rendering self-closing HTML tags within cards.
- Added diagram cards (image occlusion)
- Various bug fixes and improvements
Fixed an issue in the previous version where audio auto-play wasn't working.
You can now pin cards to the sidebar.
You can now tap anywhere to reveal the next side of a card.
Added a sort menu to the new cards screen.
Fixed an issue where the new card editor would not auto-focus or use auto-capitalization.
- Alternating cloze deletions now show up correctly in Cram mode.
- Fixed an issue where users would sometimes get logged out after starting the app.
- Fixed a memory leak issue with audio attachments.
- Added support cards with multiple alternating cloze deletions.
- Fixed attachments being inserted in the wrong spot.
- Fixed content bleeding out of template settings window.

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4.6 out of 5
78 Ratings


Finally, an Anki alternative 🙏🏻
Anki users are very dedicated to Anki. I studied Japanese for about four years with it and always hated it but there were no other options. As a UI designer, the entire interface and UX made my reviews feel more like a chore. I was actually looking for a cleanup add-on for Anki when Mochi came up on my Google Search and I absolutely loved playing with it. While my four-years-deep decks on Anki will stay there for now, I'm just starting to learn Korean and love how easy it is to make cards. I really wish I had this app when I started learning Japanese.

I love seeing that it's continuously updated as well. My only wishlist item right now is ability to change the template on reverse cards. If this is possible, I haven't figured out how to do it.

Thanks for such a great app! Makes me excited to learn a new language.
I’ve used both paper note cards and Anki to do spaced repetition/interleaved reviews. This app is by far the best option. It’s convenient - the app and web app sync seamlessly, so it’s easy to do your reviews at your computer or on the go with the app. The formatting options and keyboard shortcuts make it easy to write note cards while listening to lectures.

Also want to thank the dev for being super quick on support. The app was down one day - literally the only time I’ve seen it in a year and a half of use - so I sent a support email. The dev responded within ten minutes and everything back up and running.
Great spaced repetition mixed with Zettelkasten
While i was in med school, i realised that it was most efficient for me to take notes directly in Anki, since I would later used spaced repetition to review those notes. Before i ever heard of zettel and “personal knowledge management,” i was using Anki like a personal wiki, often referencing other cards in the deck by noting the title to search for them.

Mochi provides one of my longstanding desires in a spaced repetition app: ability to ALSO use it as a referential personal knowledge management app.

Import from Anki is great. Only problem is that it doesn’t import anki tags, but fortunately for me, my Anki tags in prior decks weren’t very important for anything besides studying, and now I just use those decks for referencing.

Just a few “honey dos” for Mochi
* on iphone, the wikilinks syntax [[link]] doesn’t auto fill matches the way it does on ipad
* the “list” view is really a card view; would love a much more compact list of titles to scroll more easily
* would be nice if the study spaced repetition screen was a bit less cluttered.

Other than that, this app is really incredible, thanks for developing it, I will definitely use it moving forward
Simply the best, wonderful customer service
I’ve tried every single app out there, none have worked for me. This app’s seamless design makes it incredibly powerful yet very simple to use at the same time. Gorgeous UI and incredible user experience. I contacted them with a bug I was having, they replied the very same day and fixed the issue and released an update the next day! I’m speechless. I wish more people would download this amazing app. Thank you for all you do!
Missing important feature: template groups
For starters, the UI and the philosophy behind the app are attractive. However, the app is limited in how it lets you define the study cards.

In Mochi a card can only have one template. So much could be streamlined if templates could be grouped together and applied to a card, thereby creating multiple cards from one set of information.

For example: I’m studying film and I need to memorize details such as the film release year and the genre.

So I have two templates:
What year was << Film Title >> released?
What genre is << Film Title >> classified into?

The templates are a useful step up from retyping these same questions every time I need to study a new film. The problem is that I want to create these 2 cards for *every* film I’m studying, and I have to duplicate the film data into every note. This is manageable with 2 cards per film, but of course with a dozen per film, it’s too much overhead.

Mochi needs a way to group templates and apply them to the fields of a card.
great application!
Ignore the 1 star review, they clearly missed the part that says this app version was designed for ipad. It still runs really well on macOS. Runs perfect on windows and iphone as well. I use it on all of my devices. Much better than Anki!
Needed this!
I consider myself fairly computer literate, but I could never figure out Anki. I also just like having a nice clean interface. It took me a while to figure out mochi as well, but once I did it works great for me. I especially like the ability to auto-generate audio for language study.
Great effort from the creator
I really like the flexibility and simplicity of Mochi. It allows you to create cards very quickly and which are very flexible. Cheers to the developer who’s constantly improving the app and releasing new updates 🥂 I’m gladly supporting you through the subscription!
Awesome, awesome app
Seriously so well made and properly designed. Pricing tiers are very logical based on real world costs for the owner - love how you don’t necessarily need to pay for it. I’m happy to support regardless since this app is so splendid to use.
After the last update i lost my notes on mochi. I managed to keep some from having made them on my laptop’s mochi (no subscription too), i exported to save on google drive. However, the ones i was working on my iPad all disappeared. I like my ipad over laptop because i can easily scribble over images before placing them on the app, but i cant export my notes from ipad to save them to google drive as back ups.