So, next, how about a heroin addiction game or a pimping sim game, Netflix Developers?? Seriously, this game goes over the line with its its glorification of real-life monsters like Pablo Escobar. I agree with reviewer, “Jeratain”, and I know that Netflix can do so much better than this p.o.s., as evidenced by many of their other good and even excellent games. This particular game is way, way below their previous established standards and hopefully it’s an outlier, NOT a harbinger of more garbage games to come🤞🤞 P.S. …and respectfully, reviewer “Skubidoo”, there’s no legitimate LOL here — just a sordid little “game” — please consider just growing up before you post the next review scoffing at those who express a sincere concern about Netflix being morally asleep at the switch with this particular loser “game”.