Nega Viewer can convert negative films into digital data. The converted images can be saved in the photo library. You can adjust R, G, B, brightness and contrast if necessary. These parameters are saved automatically.
Convert Negative Film Into Digital Photos
1: Place negative films on a back light panel.
NOTE: A back light panel is required to get clear images.
2: Adjust the position by pinch and swipe.
NOTE: “Color Settings” view has to be closed to adjust position.
3: Press the CAMERA button to save the image into the Photo Library.
NOTE: To view the saved image, open the Photo Library manually.
How to adjust the color
The intensity of the backlight and the color spectrum influence the color. If necessary, you can adjust the RGB color, brightness and contrast.
1: Press the "GEAR" button to show / hide the “Color Settings” view.
2: Slide the color settings as needed.
NOTE: Color settings are saved automatically.
3: Press the GEAR button again to close “Color Settings”.
NOTE: If you want to discard the changes, press the "Reset" button.