Fortune cookies are a thing of yesterday! Now come the nerd cookies (bio)
Nerd cookies look like fortune cookies, taste and smell like fortune cookies, include, just like fortune cookies,
a message for the inclined consumer, but they are not related to the ordinary fortune cookies.
Nerd cookies are much crispier, more flavorful and wittier than the average fortune cookies.
Besides the usual words of wisdom, you will also find snappy slogans, clever quotes and funny bits of wisdom in nerd cookies.
Who likes fortune cookies will love nerd cookies!
In addition to the typical daily cookie, these cookies will take away the difficult decisions from you.
Thou knowest not what thou shalt do? Ask the cookie, and you will receive a prompt and clear answer!
The fans of the classic fortune cookie will be fully satisfied!
All the ingredients of the baked goods in this app are sourced from controlled organic cultivation.
Nerd cookies contain 0.00% calories.