I used this app trying to get different perspectives on something i saw in my room with the naked eye and my device camera. when i use this app for example in a dimly lit room just before dark and set to normal or medium and then turn the amplitude up until it is grainy and lots of visual static visible, when i then point camera at the spot it forms into changing shapes. pareidolia, you say, just visual noise, you say... well, sure, except the shapes are continuously relevant and show basically configurations of the same thing. my cat died and i felt like if theres anytihg to ghost stuff at all, then she would definitrly try to stay with me if she could, so naturally i started after she died looking and takin pics of her old spots, where id expect her logically. each time i do this, i will see this phenomena. why if it is random noise static, wouldnt it turn into anything and evething? my cat is not the only thing on my mind, yet i am only seeing cat shapes. is there anything in this app that detects or forms in the static, shapes of cats? like ears, eyes, tail, body etc. also does anyone know what the letters and numbers are? and i also see eyes everywhere, i dont understand what this is, it looks like hidden to the naked eye there is writing all over everywhere yet i cant make it out, it looks legible then evades recognition.