Pogo is more than just a game, it is a tribute, an endlessly giving homage to all of mankind’s progress. Since the dawn of time Man has strived, yearned, ached and worked towards progress. Upon rare occasion an invention would be so unbelievably world changing it would usher the world into a new era. This dates back to the discovery of Fire, the invention of the wheel, the genius of gunpowder, that world shattering light bulb and telephone, the efficiency of the car, and the millennium of the internet. Each discovery greater than their predecessor. But Pogocat, such a game trumps all that dare rival it, a genius so un conceivably profound many fail to notice. Pogocat will begin a shift in all human nature, another great awakening, a time of intelligence and discovery, THE ERA OF POGOCAT!
Cute game, fun music, wonky controls 9/10