1) Look and feel: rounded corners, animations when a puzzle is solved or a new row/column is selected.
2) UI improvements: focus advances after clicking "reveal", more light bulb messages to help new users, reminder banner if non-standard filters are applied to puzzle browser.
3) Dictionary changes: added BETTA, MOUES, and TETRA; removed AGORA, ALOHA, and PIKER.
1. Shiny new icon.
2. Streamlined UI. The per-row/column clear and lock buttons are now gone by default by can be added back in via Menu > Settings.
3. Improved help and added more tips for new users around the app.
4. Added to the dictionary: ARGON, DALES, DOYEN, GROAT, and LIGER.
(a) Display & Text Size accessibility settings such as Bold Text, Larger Text, and Button Shapes should look much better now, and in particular not cause the main puzzle view to overflow the screen.
(b) The download is about 10x smaller.
(c) Fixed a bug related to scrolling on the main screen -- sometimes certain puzzles would be missing or shown twice.
Changed name Vext -> Quintext