We just got ourselves a brand old-new app, completely rewritten (took 6 hours) in swift. -> Give me S, Give me I, give me F (you get the rest).
3 main points:
1. The design
We are as colorful as ever. I pick you Chameleon! - Pokemon line
/(Thank you Chameleon. You go mister!)
2. The Share
We have a new way of sharing. Adios old system share. Welcome to the fancy action bar. Hey sexy, how you doin?
3. The Swipe
Swiping works as a normal swipe should work. Boom baby. Thats a home run. Can you believe that we had that awful arrow button for next quote for so long? Us neither. :facepalm:!
You won’t notice that we changed the Push Notifications, and migrated from Parse to Firebase, but that's another story long story.
Today is going to be a good day :)
Talk to you today, tomorrow, everyday.