Please forgive and disregard my last email. It was also a bit tedious , as I felt I needed to explain the ruling of Queen Side Castling and En passant. I was able to perform an En passant just last game. The time a player had me in check, I could not apply a Queen Side Castle even though those 2 pieces (rook/king) had not yet moved. Though it is clearly in your ruling, under “Learn Chess”.
I would like to understand an early called stalemate though, if so kind? Player had nothing but king and…I believe 2 pawns. I had a king, both rooms, and a pawn right in position for promotion, given a next turn. The game called for a stalemate though, after opponent captured a piece (I don’t quite remember, maybe my last knight)
True, checkmating with 2 rooks is a tedious process. But with the king, still possible, always. But worse than that, I had 2 pawns as well, one about to be promoted. Another glitch. Although these few experiences, I’ve enjoyed this version of a mobile chess game. Thank you to all devs and team.
A grateful player.