You’ve asked, and we’ve listened! Don’t wait! Download the newest version of Rehab TherX – Exercises on the go.
Additional Exercises
Choose from a variety of new exercises including Yoga, Pilates, Vestibular (tap on head), Balance, BOSU, Theraball, Patient Education, and more!
Spanish Translations
Do you have a Spanish speaking patient/client? No problemo! Just choose the option to print or email a personalized exercise program in Spanish. Rehab TherX will prompt you prior to printing or emailing.
Re-sorting Exercises
You can now choose the order in which you would like your patient/client to perform their HEP. Just hold down any exercise in your patients/clients profile card, wait until it wiggles, and move exercises around to your preferred order.
Minor Additions:
Addition of “Three times per day” as an option under the frequency menu.
Rate/Review Pop-up
We know, we know…pop-ups are annoying but we really want your feedback! We would REALLY appreciate you taking 2 minutes to rate and review us. Tell us how much you love our app, how you use it, and how we can make it even better.
- Bug fixes
- Completely updated for iOS 8 compatibility
- Minor cosmetic changes
PLEASE BE AWARE THAT YOU WILL LOSE YOUR PREVIOUS VERSION OF REHAB THERX, INCLUDING ALL PATIENT INFORMATION. (Yes, we just said all patient information!) We apologize for this inconvenience, however we had to work to accommodate the many changes that came along with the iOS 8 update. Please make sure to back up this information prior to updating to our new version.