- Added 1 minute round option to both Boxing and MMA timers.
PLEASE SEND ME FEEDBACK: I'd love to know how everyone is using and hopefully liking the app. Go to either of the timer's (MMA or Boxing) settings and tap Feedback... let me know what you think or if you have ideas you'd like to see added to the app. Thanks!
Updated app to work with iOS 13.1
- Required a change in how the timer settings screens work. They are no longer pop-overs, but slide over detail screens. They no longer require the user to tap Done when finished editing. Simply go back to the previous screen and all settings will be saved.
FEEDBACK NEEDED: On another note, I've designed this app, essentially, for myself, but I'd love to learn more about how you're all using it and if you have ideas for something that it doesn't do. Please go to either of the timer settings screens (via the Cog icon button on either of the Boxing or MMA timer detail screens) and then tap the Send Feedback link button. I look forward to hearing your thoughts and... thank you!
- Added App Store request alert dialog after the user has sufficiently used Rounds
- Added a 5 second get ready warning before a new round begins
- Changed the Feedback button's path in each of the timer's settings pages to go to the Rounds Feedback web page
- Changed the back label to "End Round" when on a timer screen so it's more obvious how to, uh... end the round ;)
- Removed vibrate on round start/end and 30 and 10 second warnings
- Fixed bug that would play incorrect audio when ending a round on the boxing timer
- Swapped button colors when round is running so red is the restart and green is pause/resume because restart is more destructive