I found myself really enjoying this game for what it is, and getting very addicted to it. But there are lots of things that I feel need to be fixed. For example, swinging on vines requires precision. This could be a good thing, but it's not paired with the running aspect of the game. You can't swing on the vine if you are in it, you have to jump perfectly, and even then sometimes you don't make the vine jump. Another thing is the letters you collect along the way. They only spell out "NEWDINO" and are pretty hard to get if your looking for one in particular. What is even worse about that is you pretty much need them to survive, because spelling out all of them grants you an extra life, which is useless if you already have all 4 lives. So basically, they are useless early game and essential late game, which is kind of a pain. My one last thing I don't like about this game is how long it takes after you die to start running again. It's only a 3-4 second time period, but it's enough to make you want to quit out of the app. It's kind of like waiting in a fast DMV line of shame. Anyways, I thought this game was fun and found myself playing hours on end, with each frustration a new challenge to overcome.