This is a awesome app, has every thing, multi player, solo mode and more! The two probloms are one you can not join a multi player game with some who has the full virsion ,but they can join your's (you can have up to four people in multi player and if you don't have the free version and same for some other dork (person) has the same thing you can still play multi player together) and number two you can only be two ships in the free version, (in the full version you can be in four) you only have two weapons (in full version eleven) and some other stuff. Think of this of a sample of ice cream at basket robbins, (exsept bigger) but other wise great! I recamend it!!!! P.S. I recamend the bandet ship to beginers. Also BUY IT BUY IT BUY IT wait no free app it (basicly just download it because it is free) aAnd the last thing is if you got money (lisen to got money (the song) by Lil Wyane because if you got a lot the perfect song for you) buy the AWESOME SUPREAME FULL VERSION!!!!!!!!!! I haven't got it my self but it looks cool!!! (The 2 and # pics are from the FULL version and the other two could be from both just to let you know)