This game is fantastic, but there are a few features that I would like to see implemented. The first is more realistic physics; the physics engine is pretty good, but planets magically fall into perfectly round orbits, the only moons a planet can have are asteroids, which too magically fall into perfectly round orbits, the player's velocity slows down dramatically when away from the controls (for some reason), stars can't come from large planets, galaxies don't and can't exist, along with other weird, unrealistic phenomena found frequently in the game. Despite my criticisms, this is by far the best space-related game out there; good idea, good execution, it's near perfect. It appears however that the developer(s) working on this game have ceased to carry this game any further, which is a shame, because this game could gain a lot of recognition (good for you) and the game will have heaps of added features (good for us).