- We've updated the app to run as nicely as it has been running for the last few years.
- Facebook and WhatsApp sharing is removed. You can now share to any App via the general sharing function.
- The app now supports dark mode
Thanks for using our software! Here is the new version which contains the following changes:
● SongCocktail Free is now called SongCocktail Lite.
● Changes for the new iOS versions and devices.
● Sharing of songs in apps supporting it.
● In countries where German is not spoken English will be used as default language.
● General enhancements.
We hope that you like this new version and would be happy if you leave a positive rating in the App Store. Thank you so much!
Thanks for using our software! Here is the new version which contains the following changes:
● General enhancements.
We hope that you like this new version and would be happy if you decided to leave a positive rating in the App Store. Thank you so much!
Thanks for using our software! Here is the new version which contains the following changes:
● Changes for iOS 9. SongCocktail requires at least iOS 7 now.
● Mew German names: Vio, Viola, Violetta.
● General enhancements.
We hope that you like this new version and would be happy if you decided to leave a positive rating in the App Store. Thank you so much!
Thanks for using our software! Here is the new version which contains the following changes:
● You can now use WhatsApp to send your Birthday Greetings.
● Video greetings can now be saved in the Photos Library. So you can send them with any app supporting access to the Photos Library.
● To write a birthday greeting to the Facebook wall of a friend, the Facebook App is needed, which is available for free in the AppStore. To communicate with the Facebook App the video with the song has to be savet to the Photos Library. After sending, the video will be deleted from the library.
● New German names: Annett, Carmela, Chefin (per Sie), Erwin, Gerlinde, Heiko, Iris, Jeanette, Manja, Rico, Theresia.
● General enhancements and 64 Bit Compatibility.
We hope that you like this new version and would be happy if you decided to leave a positive rating in the App Store. Thank you so much!
● Sorry, but we have to charge for the usage of names. Those customers who have purchased a music style in a previous version will have access to all German names free of charge.
● All music styles are free of charge for the time being.
● The popular „Sunshine Swing Edition“ is available in English. We have added 200 English names.
● New German names: Assja, August, Bernhild, Carina, Christel, Dolf, Egmont, Eleonore, Elfride, Elli, Frederika, Gebhardt, Gerrit, Grete, Gretel, Guido, Gundi, Gundolf, Gundula, Gunilla, Gunther, Guste, Gusti, Gustl, Hannelore, Hans-Joachim, Hans-Werner, Heidrun, Henner, Illonka, Kenan, Kersten, Kordula, Kurt, Lilliana, Maggy, Marga, Margarete, Mein guter Freund, Meine gute Freundin, Nanon, Nicolai, Rafaela, Reinhard, Sigrun, Sigurd, Steffen, Wilma, Winfried, Wollbrecht, Wolle, Wolli
Vielen Dank, dass so viele von euch unsere Software nutzen! Hier ist die neue Version, die folgende Änderungen enthält:
● Es konnten stellenweise keine Videos auf Facebook geladen werden, weil Facebook die Zieladresse für Videos geändert hat.
● Verbesserte Fehlerbehandlung beim Facebook-Zugriff
● Verbesserte englische Übersetzungen
● Neue Namen: Aenni, Agnes, Annelie, Constanze, Dagmar, Dietmar, Dorit, Edmund, Ehrenfried, Erika, Francois, Gerda, Gundis, Hans-Dieter, Heinz-Dieter, Ines, Jo, Joe, Joris, Konstanze, Lara-Marie, Lola, Lolita, Loris, Lou, Luis, Lutz, Margit, Marietta, Mila, Nana, Nanette, Natascha, Rado, Radoslav, Rita, Shanice, Siegfried, Siegmund, Smilla, Tatjana, Walburga
Und noch etwas in eigener Sache: Wir würden uns sehr über ein paar positive Bewertungen im AppStore freuen. Vielen lieben Dank!
● Neue Namen: Anita, Antje, Balthasar, Beatrice, Beatrix, Beda, Christa, Eugen, Gerald, Götz, Hansjörg, Jean-Marie, Jean-Pierre, Jolanda, Kaspar, Kasper, Lena-Marie, Margrith, Marlies, Marliese, Melchior, Priska, Ramona, Timon, Trixi, Vera, Walter, Yollanda, Zora
● Neue Namen: Aki, Alastair, Allessandra, Anke, Bob, Bobby, Calantia, Cosma, Cosmas, Dejan, Doscha, Edgar, Estefania, Helene, Hermann, Hey Du alte Rakete, Jasmira, Jeremy-Pascal, Joan, Juan, Lavinia, Liebe Schwägerin, Lieber Schwager, Loredana, Madeleine, Mariandl, Marielle, Miroslav, Peggy, Röttger, Sarafina, Sarah-Jane, Sieghard, Sieglinde, Siggi, Udo, Vincenz, Waldi
● Bereit für iOS 6 und das iPhone 5
● Neuer Musikstil „Alpen Edition“ als InApp Kauf
● Musikstile, die nur in der Full Version verfügbar sind, als InApp Kauf
● Neue Namen: Astrid, Bianca, Isidor, Ursula, Freund, Freundin und jede Menge Familienmitglieder (Cousin, Cousine, Schwester, Bruder, Tante, Onkel)
● Facebook: Dein Gerät wechselt nicht mehr in den Standby Betrieb während des Postens eines Songs an die Pinnwand eines Freunds
● Bugfixes
● Musikrichtung „Popballade“ freigeschaltet
● Neue Namen: Alfi, Ari, Ariadna, Ariadne, Ariane, Alois, Elfi, Grit, Joel, Jörg, Jörn, Lennie (Lenny), Teresa, Zoe
● Facebook - Integration: Poste ein Geburtstagsvideo an die Pinnwand eines Freundes
● Das Geburtstagslied kann per Email als Audio- oder Videodatei (groß oder klein) gesendet werden
● Probleme mit Lautstärkeschwankungen behoben