If this game was just the mechanics, I would give 4/5 stars. The animations, sound design, and music make it an easy 5/5. The overall ambiance makes it something I consider myself "a fan" of, something I feel a personal loyalty to. But the art...
The art make it love at first sight.
I've never seen so much awesome packed into such a small file size. It's like my whole childhood imagination packed into 10.8 megabytes. Thank you, Thomas Wagner for releasing a bit of magic into the world.
I just realized Thomas Wagner is the same guy that made "Panic Springs!", another iOS game that I'm hopelessly in love with! I thought "Gamesmold" sounded familiar
Anyway, judging by "Panic Springs!", I expect "Spooky Hooves" to have awesome upgrades with ingenious new game-changing content. Mr Wagner, I am your fan.