Basically, the game has several unique features, but it needs strong balancing. The devs seem active, so I hope that these reviews are taken into consideration and the game improves. Overall, I like it, but it feels punishing to play.
The unique way of seeing the status of survivors and managing their hunger and sickness is cool, and makes the game interesting. However, the resource consumption and production is waaaaayyy off. After hours of idle, you get like 6 wood, 12 meat? You can get more in that same amount of time in game. Not only that, but upgrading the fire and having people stoke the fire to keep it going costs like 13 wood per minute, which is less than you chop. Why is the cooking so expensive to upgrade? you never have enough dishes, even if you have hundreds of meat, people die of starvation. The pirates come every few minutes and destroy your buildings, making you have to spend minutes rebuilding them, and unable to collect those resources during that time, and then the pirates come back and do it again. Not only that, but defeating the pirates has no real purpose except getting a completely useless map and a handful of gems. You can get gems from the main quest and the treasure maps do nothing, unless you have over 100 of them, and each pirate wave only gives 1 map. Basically your in game activity consists of tapping + or - on survivors buildings, placing buildings and collecting time sensitive gold chests. You don’t really do that much, and it gets boring quickly. The game has some really unique mechanics with overseeing people collecting stuff, but the devs didn’t take it far enough to make it addictive or super fun to play.
Here are my suggestions on how to make the game more fun for people to play:
-pirates drop chests with useful resources like logs, stone, meat, dishes, etc. really simple but would have a huge QOL impact.
-more cooks at each level.
-farming takes less time
-more animals and maybe boss animals that drop resources, making guards/arrow towers important even when not being attacked by pirates
-pirates attack less frequently (every 10-15 minutes instead of every 5)
-expeditions for some survivors to go on, where you have to sacrifice 5 or so people and in 10 minutes they come back with good loot.