The app is designed well and everything works fine, but I found the gameplay frustrating because two of the strong daugr constantly take away your spikes or waters, many times per game, so you can’t build them up enough in time to win the game. You have to kill 4 of the 6 to win. I’ve defeated 2, almost 3, but with those two daugr constantly taking supplies away, it’s near impossible, even on the “beginner” board.
There should be an option to turn off the ability of those two daugr to take your supplies (they could still add corruption, that’s fine); in fact, I saw people online who play the board game that way, not letting them take your stuff. It’s challenging enough without that and would be more enjoyable. If that option were added in settings, I’d try the game again. Until then, I’ve deleted it.
If you like a hard game, you might like it, but this seemed a bit unbalanced to me. Still, they did a good job designing the app, it does work well in every other way.