I have had the app for the last few months and I love that she has something for everyone. Barre, Pilates, 10-45 min classes, calming, stress relief, meditation, modifications etc.. As someone in her 50’s I prefer to be gentle to my body when doing fitness, gently brutal LOL as sometimes my legs are shaking walking down the stairs after a barre class! I saw progress after just a couple weeks, my feet can go flat in downward dog, to some not a big deal, but to me it was! But my number one favorite thing is Jacqui. She has a meditative voice and exudes kindness. I don’t get sick of hearing her, and oddly when I am thinking something in class like WOW I am really shaking, she says: you should be shaking! The online community during the challenge was so motivational, no matter where you are in the world. The price for the year is so little for gaining health and wellness, I have been consistent for 3 months now! I look forward to my mat time and the future challenges with the TPC group :)