Weight Training Journal is a mobile workout log for athletes and coaches who are serious about strength training.
To use the functionality of the application, the user must purchase a subscription of his choice.
Athlete Pro is a starter subscription for an athlete where he can create workouts for himself.
To expand the functionality of the application, the user must purchase an Instructor Premium subscription. "Instructor Premium" is a top level subscription where the user creates and shares workouts for students.
Using the instructor Premium subscription, the athlete becomes a coach and appears in a single database of coaches.
Using the application, the coach can analyze the results of training and create training programs in the shortest possible time. At his fingertips is his personal library of exercises, which he fills in workouts and shares with his students. The results of the student's training in the form of a graph are available to the coach immediately after the end of the training. Instead of 20 students, a trainer can now have around 100 students for the same amount of time.
The coach and the student agree on the cost of training outside the application, and payment is also made in a convenient way for both of them. All the coach pays in the app is a monthly subscription.
The profiles of the coach and the athlete contain links to their social networks and thus, through the application, they increase the number of their followers.
The application has a section of video lessons, where the trainer can post links to their videos on YouTube.
Thus, both the coach and the athlete make up their own unique libraries of trainings, exercises and videos.
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