- Enhanced compatibility with iOS 14 in either landscape orientation.
- MP3 music has been deprecated.
- Fewer onscreen ads (only between scenes).
- The booking version of the game is now included as an alternate career mode!
- English is now the default and only available language.
- You now inherit the stats & relationships of the character you start with.
- It is now possible to grab opponents out of another tie-up.
- Various bug fixes.
- The booking version of the game is now included as an alternate career mode!
- Previous purchases of Booking Revolution should now be honoured by this app when you press "Restore".
- English is now automatically the default language.
- New "Button Size" option helps you fine-tune the virtual controls for different screens.
- You now throw by holding a direction while dropping.
- New hairstyles, faces and headwear.
- Touching the character at any stage of the editing process will edit that body part.
- You now inherit the stats & relationships of the character you start with.
- It is now possible to grab opponents out of another tie-up.
- Various bug fixes.
- The booking version of the game is now included as an alternate career mode!
- Previous purchases of Booking Revolution should now be honoured by this app when you press "Restore".
- New "Button Size" option helps you fine-tune the virtual controls for different screens.
- You now throw by holding a direction while dropping.
- New hairstyles, faces and headwear.
- Touching the character at any stage of the editing process will edit that body part.
- You now inherit the stats & relationships of the character you start with.
- It is now possible to grab opponents out of another tie-up.
- Various bug fixes.
- New backstage locations for meetings.
- Signs as handheld weapons.
- New tactical vest.
- New Frankenstein hairstyle.
- New clown nose headwear.
- Smoother joints on white trousers.
- Exclusive link to try the new zombie survival sim, "Extra Lives"!
- New hoodies, leather jacket, and bandaged ribs.
- New hairstyles.
- Restored CPU control method.
- Restored missing search function at roster selection screen.
- 2 new themes from Super City and Weekend Warriors respectively.
- Enhanced controller support with "calibration" options.
- Slightly rearranged options menu.
- Fixed bug that may have caused dialogue to skip and other issues.
- Higher resolution display gives you an even better view!
- RUNNING grapples (using the move assigned to the "Run" button, which now has its own curated list of appropriate moves).
- Mounted punches or chokes can now be reversed.
- Exaggerated selling animations from Super City.
- Modified gym background from School Days.
- 5 more female faces.
- New MMA style short pattern.
- New CNN mask parodies the recent meme!
- Slight changes to the default rosters.
- Various bug fixes & balancing.
- Exclusive link to try the new survival sim, "Wrecked"!
- Pro users can now start with any character of their choice.
- New hairstyles, faces, and costumes.
- Fixed dialogue speed up when you tap anywhere on the screen.
- Lower lifestyle costs (1/50th of wealth instead of 1/25th).
- Various bug fixes and balancing.
- Enhanced compatibility with the latest hardware and operating systems (please e-mail support for assistance if this is not your experience).
40% discount on the full upgrade! ($2.99 instead of $4.99)
- Smoother breathing animations.
- New "Superman Punch" as a big/running/flying attack.
- New square-jawed face and superhero mask from "Super City".
- Warrior facepaint as a piece of headwear.
- Hoods and headwear from the "School Days" game.
- Superhero cape as a kind of shirt.
- New waistband and utility belt.
- Fixed bug where move list scrolling affects character selection slots.
- New "Superman Punch" as a big/running/flying attack.
- New square-jawed face and superhero mask from "Super City".
- Warrior facepaint as a piece of headwear.
- Hoods and headwear from the "School Days" game.
- Superhero cape as a kind of shirt.
- New waistband and utility belt.
- Fixed bug where move list scrolling affects character selection slots.
- Alphabetized move selections make it easier to find the one you want (swipe up or down to scroll through the list, tap once to preview, double-tap to select).
- Various bug fixes.
- Exclusive link to try the new "School Days" sim!
- Enhanced compatibility with iOS 8.
- Button controls by default (touch-screen still available in the options).
- Default ages are restored at the beginning of each new game to prevent characters getting too old.
- Minor roster changes.
- Various bug fixes and balancing.
- Enhanced compatibility with iOS 8 (specifically in-app purchases which may have failed previously).
- Exclusive link to be the first to try the new 3D version!
- Exclusive link to be the first to try the new 3D version!
- Enhanced compatibility with iOS 8.
- Smashes against cage walls and barbed wire ropes once again score bonus damage.
- Financial goals are no longer set for players who are already wealthy.
- Job offers are more frequent.
- Fixed an issue that may have caused generated universes to crash.
- Fixed an issue that may have caused some MP3 themes to play for too long.
- MP3 themes now start at the very beginning without a 1 second headstart.
- Saved data from v1.71 may be lost, but saved data from before that update should be restored (hit "Restore License" if you purchased v1.71).
- Fixed an issue that may have caused some screens to crash.
- New traffic light system helps to explain the 3 different levels of content for free users.
- New traffic light system helps to explain the 3 different levels of content for free users.
- The limitations on a free contract change each time, so it's sometimes possible to get a better deal.
Slight modifications to the default rosters.
- In-game ads are less common and less intrusive.
- Fewer characters have dark lighting.
- Smoother white lighting.
- Thigh 26 is now recognized as flesh.
- Hips are no longer invisible underneath a baggy top!
- Data is correctly saved at the beginning of a career.
- Pausing no longer resets the game speed.
- Mission deadlines are now highlighted by an exclamation mark.
- Backstage brawls in the location where the conversation took place.
- Steel cage matches no longer have rope breaks or DQs unless it is a Shoot Fight.
- Generated costumes are more consistent.
- Updated default characters.