Get same-day doctor visits in both English and Spanish, wellness services, and your own personal promotor de salud who understands your unique values and needs. Your promotor will work with you 1:1 on your care navigation and coordination needs. Unlimited access to your promotor means no more waiting for the care you need.
We can help with:
For common medical issues and questions, we offer you same day access to virtual care. Services include prescription renewals, birth control counseling/family planning, cold & flu care, COVID-19 care, mental health resources, access to PrEP, and more.
With your own promotor de salud, your healthcare answers are just a chat away. No question is too small. Your promotor can help you navigate flu tests, deductibles, prescription savings, and more.
Sometimes you just need a little direction and help to improve your wellness. Your personal promotor can help with mental health resources, sleep tips, nutrition and exercise tips, stress management tips, and more.
Our app uses Apple HealthKit to read data and show that data to our members for them to track how they are progressing towards the care goals set for them.