Support for dark mode
fixes a bug where the Drill item wasn't responsive when the app was first installed.
We rewrote the whole app, adding in more of the great features from our Flash Card Editor app at the same time.
You can now view "Just the Card", only the card, full screen, by rotating to landscape.
You can also do multi-choice drills.
No more in-app purchases. All the decks in this app are now free.
We improved the look and feel a little. Especially on the iPad.
We fixed a bug which was stopping users from editing which cards were included when they selected one of the "All" decks.
We added an in-app purchase option to just drill the last 10 cards of your deck so you can learn those before adding them into the rest of your deck.
The same in-app purchase enables the "Just the Card" feature. If you rotate your device to landscape during a drill the card will resize to fill the screen. So it feels much more like you're doing a drill with a deck of flashcards in your hand.
Some small changes for iOS7.
We also made peeking at the other side of the card easier. Now the app stops peeking when you let go with your finger instead of always waiting 2 seconds.
We added a Home view for easier navigation and to improve consistency with our other products.
We also clear the cards when you get to the end of a drill. It was a bit confusing before when the last card just "stuck".
We made this a "universal" app, so now it runs full screen on iPads.
It also runs full screen on the iPhone 5.
We added links to our "Other Products" website.
added the ability for the user to choose exactly which individual cards are used to make up each deck.
improved the look and feel
added help
added gestures for "Yes", "No", and "Back"
•swipe left for the next card ("Yes")
•swipe down if you get the card wrong (to shuffle it back in)
•swipe right to go back if you need to recheck a card
Cards can be added to your deck 10 at a time until you have them all, allowing you to build up at a measurable pace.
added the ability to go back (for those times you accidentally move forward a bit too soon).