So this game is really cool, and I absolutely love the idea of it. But there just isn’t enough, to be frank. In the beginning, it’s really fun, with all sorts of tactics and ideas that the player can try. But beyond that, there’s just nothing. I’ve gotten to about level 360 at this point and I can basically say that they are copy-pasted with some levels being unidentifiable compared to one another. All this game has after a while is infinite levels that are basically the same.
But that’s not saying that it can’t be better! I really think that this game has a lot of potential, and if the devs are willing, they could add a lot more gameplay mechanics and make levels different from one another, adding so much replayability to the game!
This game has the potential to be really great, and I would absolutely love to see it get there. For now, though, it’s only three stars due to lack of real content.