I got the original 3 or 4 years ago, but never bought the extension (Beach) so I was very pleased to find the new Apple Arcade version has the extension and also another extra area. It even remembered the progress I made with the original.
The game feels a bit amateurish initially with the hand drawn graphics and home-made sound effects, but you soon get sucked in. Each level is a little world in itself with so many animations and interactive elements, and you become a little sad when you have to leave and move on to the next one, only to be delighted with the next world. Some levels are so large they’re almost overwhelming, but you follow the clues, explore the landscape and slowly, one-by-one you find all people/things.
I’m hoping with Arcade we’ll get a steady stream of new content, but in the meantime there’s plenty of entertainment for newbies. This is easily the best hidden object game I’ve played, and highly recommended.