For a fiction, fantasy, and sci-fi lover who loves to read large chapter books and has a decent imagination, I recommend it! It helps pass the time, and it makes you think about the decisions you make, as well as who the outcomes consequence. It really makes you get into the story, like you're right there along the main character, feeling everything and seeing everything that's going on. The ONLY qualm I would have about this and the LifeLine series in general, though it really has no significance since that is how the games are designed, but if you make a bad decision and decide to rewind the story, only certain plot points can be rewinded, so you have to sit through long periods of the same dialogue and either pick the same dialogue options you did before, or change it up, and possibly end up with the same outcome. Other than that, I highly praise the LifeLine series, and especially Whiteout. 10/10!