This is one of the best reading apps.
No ads, custom themes, and all manga?! For free!!!
While it may be hard to find novels or chapter books, it is an amazing app for comic, manga, manwha, etc.
The optimal device for manga and comic books are the ipad because of the text to image size.
But for manwha and related texts phones are great for use.
Two amazing features are downsampling for potato phones or if you have bad service/ Wi-Fi.
The other feature is downloading books for the go.
It is also one of the few apps In general that allow you to customize its interface.
I have been using this app since the beta. Or for roughly 2 years.
I would recommend this to anyone who likes comics manga etc.
It may be a little hard to start using the app and getting sources. But once you find some and get used to sources and trackers. (Not bad trackers ones that you install yourself if you want). It is really useful.
You don’t have to but I would recommend supporting the dev. It’s your choice though.