This app alone is fine, you have basic tools, brush, eraser, layers, etc. It’s not anything special/new, but it’s what i expect from a free app. However, compared to the website it’s a pretty poor quality drawing app. A big issue i had was that you can’t size your canvas over 100x100 pixels. On the website, you can go up to 500x500. I also couldn’t find a way to decrease the opacity of a layer without the onion skinning on. I got the app because the website’s saving settings were very odd and sometimes the save button would just disappear, so I would use an alternative method and it would reload the page and delete my drawing. Luckily, I could put my drawing in through screenshots I took of my drawing. This wasn’t an option with the app, but that’s not a big issue because i can always just copy it using alternative methods, but it would be nice if that could be incorporated into the app. Overall, it’s exactly what you expect from a free app, but compared to the website it’s not nearly as good. I do highly recommend the website though, aside from the saving issues.