This installment of the series was pretty mediocre compared to the first two so in this review im going to list some things i liked and some things i didn't like: so to start with what i liked, i loved the used of the ATLAS system, although a bit tricky at first. I learned how to master it quick. I liked the relationship between Ruby and the MC, the video calling system was a good idea but could have used some polish. Here is what i didn’t like: some of the puzzles were a bit out of my range and i had to consult a walkthrough twice in my first play-through, where normally i would have either once or never checked one. I absolutely loved Pipe Dreams because of how it reminded me of the first game, but in SIM3 you kind of just say things connect some dots, say more things, and boom game end. Overall, a 3.5 out of 5. Not the best Kaigan games has to offer