Really good concept and cool story, but kind of frustrating
This seems like a fun game so far, but the ads are too much. I understand that some ads are made by the people to be a joke, but even so, I tend to delete the games with a load of ads because you can always earn money back, but you can’t get back time.
Another is the “flapee bird” game. I’ve probably gotten half way or further in the overall game so far, but while playing the flapee game to continue the story, it kind of freezes? Whenever I crash my bird, the app appears to freeze, but it still plays music and some things still appear to move, but I can’t do anything except stare at the screen and listen... this has happened at least 4 times now, and when I have to go out and reload the app, I have to start back at whatever checkpoint I was at. That kind of takes away from the experience.
Don’t get me wrong! The app is really neat and the box concept seems cool, with how you have to observe and look for the videos. It also brings an interesting realization to free apps and their ads. I do still recommend this game because it will keep you busy, just go in expecting “ads” (mostly repetitive fakes, but still as irritating as real ones) and possible slight issues like in-game crashes(?), nothing major though!
Overall, I have mixed feels, but the negative is minor.