First off, I only game on my ipad. Second, I had this title’s release date marked in my calendar. I was excited. That said, I was not let down. The gameplay mechanics are simple but clever and incredibly well done. There are both combat and puzzle elements to the gameplay and the two are often blended, like when fighting a boss. The story line is well done. The game is generally funny. And when it comes to an end, you are left with endless fun. (No spoilers) It can easily be played by LITERALLY ANYONE WHO CAN READ. YOU CHOOSE YOUR LEVEL OF CHALLENGE and the game can be challenging. Finally, CONTROLLERS ARE SUPPORTED!!! So an amazing game with controller support, end game content, multiple challenge levels, and a great story. Plain and simple, an amazing game. The only quirk is that an experienced gamer can play through it in under a day but this means speed runs can be very fun. Want to run it more than once on a Saturday? You can and it has a speed run timer built in. Id 100% but this game again.