Very fun simple little galactic 4x. Nice array of technologies and upgrades. Races vary, but not widely. Relatively simple to pick up.
The problems:
-arbitrary 20/25 turn limit to the game. Why was this added? This adds nothing. You can’t finish a game in that amount of time. Frustrating.
- in game costs are waaaay too high. To get higher scores you need, essentially, to colonize planets. The population costs increase with every planet you colonize, but your population growth rarely increases along the same rate. With only 25 turns until the game simply ends, this becomes a random chance of winning; if you get good planets with huge resources bonuses, you win, otherwise, you lose; the VAST majority of games will not yield a start good enough for a win.
-combat with the AI is broken. The first game after the tutorial, you CAN NOT harm the enemy. You can build 4 ships, each vastly strong than the enemies’ sole ship, and you will still lose. One game, the ai was able to find my home planet and occupy it while I was barely able to build a single ship - space bandits setting. My one ship, though numerically equal to the enemy, was obliterated, and the AI proceeded to kill me. This was turn 6. It was at this point I quit. That is simply sill, and utterly killed any enjoyment I had.
TLDR: the game has promise and could be great, but it current has a few BLARING flaws that make it almost unplayable.
To the devs: I really want to like this game, but pleeeeease get rid of the absurd turn limit; that really kills the game. It’s pretty clear you did not have a lot of play testers.