I was a bit hesitant to spend $8 after seeing some negative reviews, but the positive reviewers seemed to know what they were talking about. So far, I think getting the app was a good choice. The diary is especially nice, allowing you to do quick ratings to track symptoms through the day. The food information is helpful, but I was a bit perplexed at the differences between the FODMAP info on some vegetables, since a good book on FODMAP suggests that (for example) broccoli, green beans, and cabbage should be avoided during elimination, but the app says they are okay. Because Monash has done the testing, though, I assume I have come to the “horse’s mouth,” so to speak. I was hoping for the price that the guide would be a bit more detailed, and I thought some foods (like yellow cooking onions, which are widely available in the US) would be included. But the strength of the app is in the recording features, and it is very cool that you can filter out food chemicals that bother you, and that the app provides a systematic way to track reintroduction, with a bit of guidance about amounts. Overall I think the app will be very useful.