You could try to add more weapons like a fire spreading or a tsunami but don't make the game terrible like you did with solar smash. Games amazing but make new maps. Like a military base, airport, or even a futuristic city. It would make the game so more immersive but you just decide to reuse old concepts. MAKE ORIGINAL WEAPONS. In all of your previous games there have been lasers, black holes, tornados, asteroids, ect. But you decide instead of making more ideas you just make one poorly made map and reuse past weapon ideas and make the map miniscule. Please just make your game better, put more effort, make more maps, larger variety of weapons, larger maps, higher graphics, realistic destruction, maybe even some in game purchases so you can make some extra cash like mega nukes or mega blackholes. Just do whatever it takes to give you a higher budget. Maybe then it will be 5 stars.